Solution | Length | |
4 letters | ||
mane | 4 | |
shod | 4 | |
PLOD | 4 | |
5 letters | ||
trots | 5 | |
8 letters | ||
PETHORSE | 8 | |
10 letters | ||
shirehorse | 10 | |
iron horse | 10 | |
Having trouble solving the crossword clue "Walk like a Clydesdale horse"? Why not give our database a shot. You can search by using the letters you already have!
We have 7 possible answer in our database.
Refine the search results by entering the number of letters. If some letters are already known, you can enter them as a pattern: _ r o _ _ e m
Solution | Length | |
4 letters | ||
mane | 4 | |
shod | 4 | |
PLOD | 4 | |
5 letters | ||
trots | 5 | |
8 letters | ||
PETHORSE | 8 | |
10 letters | ||
shirehorse | 10 | |
iron horse | 10 | |